Games by Brian Schmidt
Except where noted, All music and sound design has been personally created by Brian, or contain original arrangements of Licensed themes
Mutant Football League (and Multiple DLC's)
Game of Thrones Pinball (Music)
The Walking Dead Pinball (SFX)
Carnivors: Dinosaur Hunter HD (SFX & Trailer)
Beasts vs Bots (Nexon)
Zynga Elite Slots
Zynga Bingo
Xbox "Boot sound"
John Madden Football (multiple years, SNES, Playstation, Saturn)
NARC (original arcade game, Lead composer and sound designer)
PGA Pro Tour Golf
Aaron Vs. Ruth
Burning Rubber
NBA 97
Congo (SNES, Genesis)
Blazing Dragons (Playstation, Saturn Music Arrangements & Dialogue)
Zoop (Lead composer and Sound Designer)
Battletech (SNES)
EA NHL Hockey
Toughman Contest (Genesis & 32x)
World Series Baseball
Star Trek
Weapon Lord (SNES & Genesis)
Sega NHL All-Star Hockey
World Heros (Genesis, Arrangements/Port)
Sylvester & Tweety (Unpublished)
MLBPA Baseball
Bill Walsh Football
Jungle Strike (SNES & Genesis)
Mutant League Football (Genesis)
Surf Ninjas (Game Gear)
CrueBall (Genesis)
Desert Strike (with Rob Hubbard, SNES & Genesis)
Harley's Big Adventure
X-files (Sega Pinball)
The Lost World (Sega Pinball)
Star Wars Trilogy (Sega Pinball)
Space Jam (Sega Pinball)
ID4 (Independence Day, Sega Pinball)
Goldeneye (Sega Pinball)
Batman Forever (Sega Pinball)
Apollo 13 (Sega Pinball)
Baywatch (Sega Pinball)
Frankenstein (Sega Pinball)
Flintstones Memory Match (redemption)
Guns 'n' Roses (Data East Pinball)
Checkpoint (Data East Pinball)
World Wrestling Federation (Data East Pinball)
Tales from the Crypt (Data East Pinball)
Tommy Pinball (Data East Pinball)
Jurassic Park (Data East Pinball)
Last Action Hero (Data East Pinball)
Rocky & Bullwinkle (Data East Pinball)
Star Wars (Data East Pinball)
Super Baseball 2020 (Genesis port, with Chris Granner)
Star Trek 25th Anniversary (Data East Pinball)
Lethal Weapon (Data East Pinball)
Maverick (Data East Pinball)
Hook (Data East Pinball)
Back to the Future (Data East Pinball)
Kong (Data East Pinball-- Limited Release)
Custom Aaron Spelling Pinball
Custom Joel Silver Pinball (Limited Release)
Custom Arnon Milchan Pinball (Limited Release)
Custom Michael Jordan Pinball (Limited Release)
Big Guns (SFX, Williams)
FIRE (SFX, Williams)
Space Station (Music & SFX, Williams)
Black Knight 2000 (Lead Composer and Sound Designer, Williams)
Swords of Fury (Music & SFX, Williams)
Banzai Run (Music & SFX, Williams)
Lemings (arcade)
Orbs (Ammerican Sammy)
Krazy Bowl (American Sammy)
Zombie Raid (American Sammy)
Waterfallz (Bromley, Inc)
Slap Happy (Bromley, Inc)
Slot Racing
WIld Tiles (LED Gaming)
Radio Lux (LED Gaming)
Norwegian Slot (LED Gaming)
Sega Sports coin-op
"Cut the Cheese" (Sega)
Bermuda Triangle
The Mask
Lucky Ducky
Roller Hockey
Magic Mr. X (American Sammy)
Coin Circus
Zoo Keeper
Mad Hatter's Tea Party
Super Rock 'n' Bowl (Bromley, Inc)
Dino Rally (Bromley, Inc)
Turf Champs
Sonic the Hedgehog (coin-op)
Wheel 'em in (Bromley, Inc)
Rock 'n' Bowl (Bromley, Inc)
Simple Simon (American Sammy)
Ghost Town (Bromley, Inc)
Dinosaur Park (Purple Star)
Winning Inning
Simpsons (novelty game)
Hawk Avenger (Bromley, Inc)
Hill Climber (Bromley, Inc)
Clay Shoot
Quarter Mile (Bromley, Inc)
Jungle Joggers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (novelty)
Can Crusher
Smartball (Smart Industries)
Big Bertha (Smart Industries)
Shoot to Win (Smart Industries)
Buddy Bear (Smart Industries)
Flying Saucer
Chase the Rainbow (Purple Star)
Little Pro (Bromley, Inc)